An elephant in an empty warehouse
This is my warehouse. I know every corner. It has my undivided attention. I sweep. Each night, I sweep. I fit here.
I can fill this warehouse with my lost lives, but should I? Should you?
We could live in all corners, a different one each day. We'll fill an inch at a time then wipe it clean.
An elephant in an empty warehouse
An elephant in an empty warehouse
This is my warehouse. I know every corner. It has my undivided attention. I sweep. Each night, I sweep. I fit here.
I can fill this warehouse with my lost lives, but should I? Should you?
We could live in all corners, a different one each day. We'll fill an inch at a time then wipe it clean.
An elephant in an empty warehouse
we drop a glitch a day (ish)
©2025 yvonnedoll
we drop a glitch a day (ish)
©2025 yvonnedoll